Street Outlaws stars FarmTruck and Azn broke out the old FarmBoat out for some nitrous testing with its new. Blueprint marine 632ci motor setup. The new power plant is certainly a bit spicier than the old 502ci setup, watch as FarmTruck rips this thing around the lake like a pissed off teenager. Overall this thing is a beast, I would love to see some drag racing in the future once they get all the kinks worked out. Also you can skip to around the 12:00 minute mark to watch Azn get his finger smashed in the FarmBoat’s tailgate…He was ok lol! Make sure to head over to their YouTube page below and subscribe to stay up to date on their latest videos. Be sure to share your thoughts and comments below.
SOURCE: FarmtruckandAZN
“Farmboat first hit on nitrous with the Blueprint Marine 632! – PART 2”
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