SOURCE: State Boyzzz
This BMW driver thought it was sweet lol. Watch Georgia State Patrol lay the smack down in downtown Atlanta after a 130+mph chase. I hope it was worth it dummy! Make sure to head over to their ☝️ YouTube Page and subscribe to stay up to date on their latest videos. Be sure to share your thoughts and comments below!
“On March 27, 2022, at approximately 0104 hours, I, MCO3 Swain was driving west on Interstate 20 near Bill Kennedy Way, when I observed a grey, 2015 BMW 640i (GA tag: CSV5454) driving at a high rate of speed. I visually estimated the driver to be traveling approximately 108 miles per hour in a posted 65 miles per hour zone. I verified with my stalker DSR2X Radar; the vehicle was traveling 108 mph in a 65 miles per hour zone. I began traveling behind the vehicle in the HOV lane and observed the vehicle was now going faster. I checked my DSR2X Radar and observed the vehicle was traveling 132 miles per hour. I along with State Troopers activated our emergency equipment notifying the driver, Deonte Daugherty, I was stopping him. Daugherty quickly accelerated initiating a pursuit. I notified Troop C dispatch I was in pursuit of the vehicle. I supplied Troop C dispatch of my location, gave the vehicle description, and supplied with the registration characteristics affixed to the rear of the vehicle. Daugherty drove in a reckless manner reaching speeds in excess of 140 miles per hours, making improper/ erratic lane changes, failing to signal, failing to maintain his lane. Daugherty showed a total disregard for the safety general public occupying the roadway, himself, and his passengers as he drove west on Interstate 20 and North on I-75/85. Daugherty exited I-75/85 North at 17TH Street where he made a right onto 17TH and a Immediate right onto Spring Street. Daugherty continued to flee on Spring Street and drive in a reckless manner. Daugherty failed to stop at traffic control devices. Moments later, SGT. Tarpley performed a pursuit immobilization technique maneuver (PIT) to end the chase. Daugherty’s vehicle crashed into multiple vehicles before coming to a complete stop. Daugherty was taken into custody without further incident. Daugherty was checked out by medical personnel on scene before being transported to Fulton County Sheriff’s Office for booking and processing. Daugherty was charged with O.C.G.A 40-6-39 (b), Fleeing or Attempting to Elude, Warrant : EW00359356, O.C.G.A 40-6-390, Reckless Driving, Warrant: EW00359357, O.C.G.A 40-6-181, Speeding, Warrant : EW00359355. CPL. Ennis worked the crash and P.I.T and crash case number. A vehicle inventory was completed, and the vehicle was removed from the scene by ATow Wrecker Service. The incident was recorded by Watchguard HD 7548. The pursuit Route. I-20 West and Bill Kennedy Way to I-20 West and I-75/85 North. I-75/85 North and I-20 West to 17th Street. 17th Street to Spring Street. Spring Street to Linden Avenue. Total Miles: 7.08 miles. MCO3 Micahiah Swain 7548”
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