Well its not everyday that you see a mini-van with a jet engine exhaust hanging out the back window! BoostedBoiz Youtube channel got their hands on a crazy jet Powered minivan and this thing is rowdy! Jet cars are vehicles powered by jet engines rather than traditional internal combustion engines. The history of jet cars is closely tied to historical advancements in jet propulsion technology. These achievements occurred particularly in the post-World War II era when jet engines became more widely available and powerful. This one is a little different though…With the turbine engine actually powering the Ford 9 inch rear end, this thing is a down right tire destroyer. What would you guys like to see BoostedBoiz do with this beast? Make sure to head over to their 👇 YouTube Page below and subscribe to stay up to date on their latest videos. Be sure to share your thoughts and comments below.
SOURCE: BoostedBoiz
“My New Jet Powered Minivan!”
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