VIDEO: Rich Guy Totals Ferrari F8 Leaving A Car Meet…🫣🫡

SOURCE: Cars Across Texas

If instant regret was a person…DONT BE THIS GUY! Watch this Ferrari F8 take its final ride trying to burnout leaving a car show in Houston Texas…That did not pan out well! Fast forward to the 17:40 mark for the fireworks. Make sure to head over to their YouTube Page and subscribe to stay up to date on their latest videos. Be sure to share your thoughts and comments below!

“Today we check out Cypress Cars and Coffee once again and it was another great show with lots of amazing cars to check out! New builds, new supercars and more! Once we went to check out the cars leaving things took a scary turn. A car collector in Houston sent it in his brand new Ferrari F8 he has only had for a week and lost traction and slammed to the wall. The driver was fine but the car seems to more than likely be a total loss. It’s unfortunate but everything could’ve been so much worse! Be safe guys and enjoy the video!”

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